The conscious part of the mind that gives one a personal sense of identity is called the Ego. It is an archetype that is mentally represented as the sum of the person you think you are through a collection of other identities and stories such as age, gender, occupation, preferences, etc.. The Ego itself is very fragile and easily threatened. It functions to keep you safe by steadfastly holding onto what is familiar and comfortable.
Read MoreIt is true that invaluable insights, lessons and healing opportunities present through the entheogenic journey, and these on their own can be utterly life changing. It is thought that entheogens shine a conscious light on content that can be beneficial for the journeyer to know at that point in their lives. While the finger is pointed at that which needs to come into awareness, oftentimes the information is left at that, without an obvious correlation to the journeyer’s life or an understanding of how to utilize it.
Read MorePsychoanalyst Carl Jung denied ever using psychedelic substances or administering them to patients and fervently challenged their use as means for personal growth. This article examines the foundations of the psychedelic integration process through core concepts of depth psychology, and how potentially solidifying fleeting psychedelic experiences through ongoing integration practice can further amplify and sustain the inevitable undertaking of human transformation.
Read MoreThe transpersonal realm is a direct experience of spiritual dimensions within non-ordinary states of consciousness, surpassing reality perceived in everyday consciousness, and can be extremely difficult to integrate into ordinary states of consciousness. Responsible creators of the psychedelic experience users have a high level of agency over the way they can prepare to meet transpersonal states, and how they safely integrate these states in the aftermath. Here are some preparation and integration tools.
Read MoreAn aspect that is often overlooked in psychedelic use is the importance of integrating the psychedelic experience following the session. Psychedelic integration is the mindful rebalancing of the mind, spirit and body, and actively anchoring the insights gleaned in the psychedelic realm in our default state of consciousness and everyday lives. But what does the integration process look like, and what is its ultimate purpose?
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