Integration is a Practice of BEING Your Highest Self
Art by Android Jones
Integration is a practice of BEING your Highest Self. Attuning to the internal discrepancies that create a gap between our life as it is lived right now, and bridging that gap through external actions that are practiced consciously every day. I have noticed that in the last couple of months my life force energy, my Chi - an energy that is fed through the Source but can be distorted through unconscious internal mechanisms - has been manifesting in an extremely masculinity manner. I have been working diligently on creating a new integration coaching program and completely caught up in the day to day DOING aspects of this project - content development, copywriting, web redesign, finances and marketing strategies - to a point where i’ve left no space for BEING: for creation, for beauty, for softness, for relishing the moment, for silent space, for trusting the process, for the natural flow of Source intelligence to unfold through me. Instead, I’ve been forcing it, going out of my way to make it happen, and honestly it’s been like churning water. Nothing has been moving forward in the ways I have hoped, and the universe has its own timeline. Something is forcing me to slow down, to stop trying to be something I think I need to be, through putting out this program; and to just BE as I am, right now, every day. To not forget my powerful feminine essence, my potent life Chi that has no less than created LIFE in the form of my perfect daughter, without any trying/doing on my behalf! And the practice is to literally get out of my own way, get out of my mind that THINKS it knows what needs to happen - step out of the assertive masculine - to make space for me, my pure, untainted energetic expression, to exist and manifest. So this week my integration practice is to bring out this feminine wildheart. I am asking my Self, what would She do? What would She say? What would She wear and eat? How would She design her day, how would She respond to others? I’m dressing in the most beautiful, feminine clothes I own, with matching jewelry and makeup. I’m making space to hear Her through meditations with heart-opening singing bowls in the background. I’m creating a physical container for my divine femininity to emerge. I’m committing to this for the week, taking time to master a new habit and new way of being, to see what just will happen in my life, when I get out of my own way and follow the guiding Spirit. Everyday, showing up to exemplify that I am ready to BE you, my Highest Self.