On Integration And Discipline
Art by Salvia Droid
On Integration and Discipline
By Shiri M. Godasi
Much is touted about the process of psychedelic integration to happen through practices of some sort - meditation/movement/journaling are the holy trinity that any coach will repeat to you like a record.
But I have found that more than the type of practice it’s the consistency that makes for a fruitful and healthy integration. It’s not about how long you meditate, whether you choose yin or Hatha yoga or what art you create - it’s you actually showing up regularly for yourself that makes the difference!
As an Artist with ADD my greatest challenge has always been discipline - showing up to meet the muse every day so she can act through me. My golden days were getting on the spiritual path - I was blissfully devout to 3-4 hours of daily practice starting at 5 am, sometimes earlier - oh the privilege!
Becoming a mom has made daily discipline nearly impossible as I can never predict how many hours of sleep will be had and what support my child will need at any given moment. The result is way too many incomplete art projects: half-painted canvases in the garage; dozens of unedited articles on my drives; course and blog ideas; mountains of unfinished books; my 2 unfinished book manuscripts... The list goes on. And a growing sense of inner betrayal as I have abandoned my truth, my medicine. Without creation I feel dead.
With manic anxiety flying through the roof and after getting over feelings of victimhood about my morning practice (and my sanity) having been stolen from me, I realized I can work around the challenges: I can make my coffee sipping a meditation, utilizing all senses, observing the warm liquid go down my meatsuit, the aftertaste and temperature on my tongue. I can take a quick walk after applying my makeup and before my first meeting in the day. I can listen to books & podcasts while cooking dinner. I can have a daily prayer ceremony to end the day with my little girl (she LOVES fanning with the feathers and pulling out cards).
Discipline to showing up mindfully to any activity that reminds you of your psychedelic trips IS integration into your daily life, literally - and it’s enough for most people! When you are consistent about it, it’s not an isolated experience - you’re diligently weaving that realm into this reality and behold - you have grounded and created a new one.
As for showing up for the artistic muse... This is integration 2.0 - discipline to mastery of skill - and I’m slowly realizing that with all the responsibilities of adulting the only way is to staunchly fight for this precious time and prioritize it as if your inner Artist’s life depends on it - because it does. Your art, your expression, your soul medicine, is everything.